the best view on the field
It's time to start your adventure
Becoming a Cricket Umpire is simpler than you may think and this Association will assist you along the way.
The Umpires Pathway will guide you to the training required for the level you wish to attain. The training is not onerous and Stage 1 and Stage 2 training can be completed in as little as 2 days.
For those who ultimately wish to become a member of the Umpires Panel and be appointed to stand in games in the Scarborough Area, The Scarborough Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association will support you with an assigned mentor during your first season, whilst the regular Association meetings will provide you with the opportunity to discuss any aspects you choose.
Occasional Umpire (Online Course)
Are you required to umpire for 5 or 10 overs at the weekend? Are you confident in the white coat? If not this resource is for you…
The ‘Occasional Umpire’ contains the umpiring basics ranging from the key Laws to basic field craft. Use this resource as you wish, view it once or return frequently to refresh your knowledge. This resource is free for you to improve the game day experience for yourselves, your teammates and your opposition!
Introduction to Umpiring
This short 1/2 day standalone course will give any cricket enthusiast curious about becoming an umpire, a taste for what the role entails, and outline what lies ahead if you would like to pursue your interest
Umpire Stage 1 - 4th March 2023
This course is designed to give you an overview of the basic Laws of the game and how to apply them and introduce the principles of field craft and match management. It will give you the tools to enable you to umpire matches at the basic recreational level where there are no independent umpires appointed.
Note that when booking this course, you will recieve a £20.00 discount code which can be redeemed against booking the Umpire Stage 2 Course.
Umpire Stage 2 - 11th March 2023
This course is designed to give you further knowledge and skills sufficient to enable you to become a member of a league panel and is available to anyone who has attended the Stage One.
This course compliments the Stage 1 course by looking beyond the basic laws, builds on field craft and match management techniques and introduces the concept of working, as a team, with a colleague.
Umpire Stage 3 - 18th + 25th March 2023
This 2 day course is designed for experienced umpires who aspire to stand at the highest level of league cricket and is available to anyone who has attended the Stage One and Two courses or equivalent.
As well as the interpretation and application of Law it also covers the management of the match, the field and the players on it. Man management and other practical aspects are also covered. The course is also suitable for those umpires who, although not aspiring to Premier league cricket, still want to develop their skills to be the best umpire they can be.
Online Training Materials
If you wish to learn some more ahead of attending a formal course, or simply brush up on your knowledge, you can progress through any of the following modules at your leisure.
e-Learning Module 1

Setting Up The Game
Laws 1 - 12
e-Learning Module 4

Fielders & Substitutes
Laws 24 - 28
e-Learning Module 2

Innings & Result
Laws 1 3 - 16
e-Learning Module 5

Appeals & Dismissals
Laws 29 - 40
e-Learning Module 3

The Over, Scoring Runs, Dead Ball & Extras
Laws 1 7 - 23
e-Learning Module 6

The Spirit of Cricket & Unfair Play
Laws 41 - 42
the association is hosting the following umpire training courses
Umpire Training Stage 1

Perhaps you know a little about the game, played a little or completed one of the Online or Introductory Courses and now wish to progress.
This course is designed to give you an overview of the basic Laws of the game, how to apply them, and introduces the principles of field craft and match management. It will give you the tools to enable you to umpire matches at the basic recreational level where there are no independent umpires appointed.
Scarborough Cricket Club – 4th March 2023
£30.00 – Note you will recieve a £20.00 discount code when booking this course, which is redeemable when booking the Umpire Level 2 Course.
Umpire Training Stage 2

Builds on the knowledge gained from Stage 1 and provides the basis for joining a League Panel.
Designed to give you further knowledge and skills sufficient to enable you to become a member of a league panel. This course is available to anyone who has attended the Stage One. It will complement that course by looking beyond the basic laws, build on field craft and match management techniques and introduce the concept of working as a team, with a colleague
Scarborough Cricket Club – 11th March 2023
Umpire Training Stage 3

The next step, this 2 day course will build on all your knowledge and experiences gained from previous training and match time.
This course is designed for experienced umpires who wish to broaden their knowledge and develop their umpiring skills regardless of whether they aspire to Premier League cricket and progress their qualifications or just simply to be the best umpire that they can be. It is available to anyone who has attended the old Level 1 and 1A courses or the new Stage One and Stage Two courses. The two-day course covers the regulations common in limited overs cricket, further interpretation and application of Law, Nutrition and Hydration, techniques for Observation, Concentration and Focus, Mental Toughness and Self-reflection and Analysis.
Scarborough Cricket Club – 18th / 25th March 2023